Book Printing: Hardcover Books

A stack of 6 hardback books with varied spines.

Following a previous post about softcover books, today we’ll talk about hardcover books.

For several centuries after Gutenberg developed movable type and the first modern printing press in the mid-15th century, hardcover was the standard form of book-binding. Initially, wood panels bound in leather were used to protect the printed pages. Later, cardboard wrapped with cloth became the most common method of binding. While hardcover books are more durable and long-lasting, they are also more costly and time-consuming to produce. However, as also mentioned previously, digital printing presses and print-on-demand services have greatly reduced the cost of producing hardcover books. Plus, rather than having to commit to the production of several hundred (or thousand) copies in initial print runs, it’s now possible to order hardcover books in smaller quantities.

The Right Time to Publish Hardcover Books is Now!

Whether you’re a first-time novelist looking to self-publish or a company / non-profit looking to preserve an account of your organization’s history, now is the time to get your hardcover book printed. Options such as laminated, full-color covers, full-color dust jackets, or full-color interior pages are not cost-prohibitive and can greatly enhance the look/feel of your book.

If you have any questions about hardcover books, give us a call at 330-597-8560. We’re happy to help you get the most out of your printing project.