As explained in Printing Terminology: QR Code: “QR codes are images composed of digital data that can be printed or placed on digital pages/screens. They are designed to be scannable, triggering an action by the scanning device.”
Many types of actions can be triggered to accomplish different objectives. In this article we’ll discuss the benefits of transporting someone to your app.
Use QR Codes to Increase Your App Downloads
If you’ve gone to the trouble and expense of building an app for your business, organization, etc. you want the app to be downloaded and used. Anything you can do to make the process more likely, easier and quicker for customers boosts your results.
Downloading an app generally involves a couple of steps, including having to enter a url into a browser. Providing a clickable link online makes it easier, assuming you’ve gotten people to your website or social media platform. Offline, if you are distributing printed information in any form (marketing materials, instructional guides, product or service sheets, packaging, etc.), or using signage or posters or banners or promotional items, including a QR code linked to your page in the app store allows people to quickly and easily get to the same place.
The designation “app” was originally short for “application” which referred to computer programs. These days “app” typically refers to programs built to run on mobile phones and tablets. So apps and smartphones have a symbiotic relationship and using the scanning capacity of the phone to reach the portal for the app’s download makes perfect sense!
QR Code Usage Increasing
U.S. smartphone users scanning QR codes 2020-2025 Feb 28, 2023
In 2022, approximately 89 million smartphone users in the United States scanned a QR code on their mobile devices, up by 26 percent compared to 2020. Usage of mobile QR code scanners is projected to experience constant growth, reaching over 100 million users in the U.S. by 2025. According to a survey of U.S. shoppers conducted in June 2021, 45 percent of respondents reported using a QR code to access marketing or promotional offers.
Best Practices
- Indicate that the code will transport visitor to your page on the app store.
- Also provide a url to the survey for those who prefer it. Use a shortened url such as created by
- Test your QR code before printing or posting! Make sure it works!
More information about QR Codes and Prime Business coming soon!