Computers and Color Printing

Laptop with color swatches being compared with digital colors.

For the next several posts we’re going to touch upon topics related to computers and printing. With the introduction of personal computers (particularly the Apple Macintosh) in the 1980s, traditional methods of creating documents for print began to disappear as the transition to computers proceeded rapidly. By the early 2000s, advancements in computer technology along with digital printing presses had made all non-computer-based methods obsolete.

Today, powerful computers whether in the form of desktop models, laptops, or even smartphones make it possible for people with little or no training in the graphic arts to create documents for print. Even if you’re not a graphics professional, it can help to know about some of the terms and issues related to the use of computers and software in the printing industry.

In our next post, we’ll start with a discussion of bitmap and pixel images.