Eco Friendly Options for Packaging

Symbol indicating the item uses recycled materials.

Recycled paper stocks are now widely available in a broad range of weights, colors and even textured finishes. Because coated paper stocks can’t be recycled, uncoated paper stocks are the choice for those most concerned about remaining eco-friendly in their printing projects.

What is PCW?

Post Consumer Waste (PCW) refers to recycled materials and is usually expressed as a percentage in terms of how much recycled material has been used in any given product. Many paper stocks used in printing and for packaging materials (e.g., cardboard, chipboard, etc.) are manufactured from 100% recycled papers.

Recycled Paper Options for Packaging

Creating vibrant, eco-friendly packaging is a challenge. However, by wrapping a recycled cardboard stock with a recycled paper stock, it’s possible to create sustainable packaging with practically unlimited colors and textures. There is even a recycled paper stocks that replicates the “soft-touch” feel previously available only on coated paper stocks.

Recycled Plastic

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is the plastic used in water bottles that have created an environmental nightmare in the world’s oceans. By combining recovered PET bottles with other PCW, fabrics have been woven/created that can also be used to create unique coverings for recycled cardboard packaging.

If you have any questions about Eco Friendly Packaging, give us a call at 330-597-8560. We’re happy to help you get the most out of your printing project.

Photo by Marcell Viragh