Index Tab SetsMake information easier to access
Books, booklets, multi-page documents can be organized into easily identified sections with index tabs. Each section of a book or booklet can be labeled — users will thank you!

Books or documents used for reference (Corporate Training Manuals, Sales Presentations) are ideal for index tabs. (Index tabs can be used in any form of bound document.)
If your book is likely to be heavily used, your dividers/tabs will last longer if you have the tabs and holes (such as those required by spiral or ring-bound books) treated with clear or colored Mylar® film.
Stock Tabs
Printing stock page dividers/tabs in standard sizes / shapes, with black ink is the most affordable approach. (Add some zip by using colored ink.) The front, back or both sides of the dividers/tabs can be printed.
Custom Tabs
For special needs or an uncommon appearance a custom tab is the answer. Unusual index tabs can be made with custom dies enabling different sizes, shapes, or combinations. Non-standard sizes and/or paper stock and full-color printing can be blended in countless ways to make your index tab sets functional and attractive.
Contact Prime Business Solutions to learn about design or printing of custom tabs.