Paperback / Softcover Booksperfect binding
Paperback books use a soft cover bookbinding method called perfect binding. With perfect binding, a strong, flexible thermal glue is used to attach the pages and cover of the books to the spine. The other three sides of the book are then precisely trimmed, creating the “perfect” edges.
Paperback book covers are made from a heavy paper or card stock which can be coated for protection and longevity. Full-color printing is available for paperback covers.
Any book can be printed as a paperback. (Well known authors often do a first limited hardback run followed by paperback printing.) Paperback books are the affordable option that still convey professionalism.
Businesses and organizations use perfect binding on print projects such as manuals, product catalogs, corporate reports, and product brochures.
Paperback books can be printed in wide range of sizes and shapes (although standard sizes are less expensive) and few, many or very many pages.
Call Prime Business Solutions for more information about paperback book printing.