Printing Terminology: Spot UV

Randomly arranged pile of book and magazine covers with spot UV applications.

In a previous post (Understanding UV Coatings) we talked about protective coatings applied to printed pieces and cured using ultraviolet light technology. Today we’ll give an overview of how these coatings, normally applied in a flood coat, can be applied to only select areas of a printed piece: spot UV.

Spot UV, of course, is just a term meaning the UV coating will be applied to only a limited area. In most instances, this spot application is done to enhance or draw attention to a particular element of the design. Particularly, when a UV coating that cures to a high gloss finish is applied to certain areas of a design, the effect can be quite pleasing and gratifying.

Applications for Spot UV

You’ll find spot UV application most commonly used in printed promotional items like business cards, postcards, brochures, and presentation folders where the intent is to draw attention to a design element like a company logo, heading or slogan. Many books uses a spot UV application on their covers to enhance the book’s title or graphic element. Spot UV coatings really pop when used on a dark background, especially on a low-shine (matte) paper.

If you have any questions about spot UV, give us a call at 330-597-8560. We’re happy to help you get the most out of your printing project.