Printing Terminology: Vector Graphic

A logo in vector format in several sizes with high clarity.

In our discussion of pixel images, we noted such images can always be reduced in size and image quality will not degrade. However, enlarging a pixel-based image can cause problems. Meanwhile vector graphics are images that are defined not by pixels, but by mathematical descriptions of the shapes, colors, lines they contain. A vector graphic can be enlarged or reduced to practically any size without changing the image quality. Vector graphics are created using specialized graphics software like Adobe Illustrator. Typically, company logos and clip art are created and saved as vector graphics because they are most often used in a wide ranges of sizes and applications. For instance, a company logo might need to be shrunk to fit on a pen or enlarged to fill a billboard or large banner.

Can a pixel-based image be converted to a vector graphic?

Yes, some pixel images, particularly those comprised of shapes and flat colors can be converted to a vector graphic. However, it’s not possible at this time to convert a full-color photograph into a vector graphic.

If you have any questions about vector graphics, give us a call (330-597-8560). We’re happy to help you get the most out of your printing project.