The Difference Between Catalog Envelopes and Booklet Envelopes

A catalog and booklet envelope side by side.

Catalog and Booklet envelopes are designed to mail catalogs, booklets, brochures, sales literature — basically anything where a standard #10 business envelope would not be appropriate or sufficient. These kind of envelopes are available in a variety of sizes with 6” x 9”, 9” x 12”, and 10” x 13” being the most common and readily available.

What is a Catalog Envelope?

Catalog envelopes, sometimes called Open End envelopes, have the opening flap on the shorter dimension side of the envelope. In other words, a 6” x 9” Catalog Envelope has the opening flap on the 6” side or end of the envelope.

What is a Booklet Envelope?

Booklet envelopes, on the other hand, have the opening flap on the longer dimension side of the envelope. In As in our example above, instead of the a 6” side of the envelope, the opening flap would be on the 9” side of the envelope. Not surprisingly, booklet envelopes are sometimes referred to as Open Side envelopes.

Is There Really Any Difference? Why Use One or the Other?

While in essence they’re not really different in terms of what kind or amount of content they can hold, Booklet envelopes, with the opening flap on the longer dimension of the envelope, are generally preferred when envelopes are filled or stuffed by hand — particularly if/when the content of the envelope is large or bulky.

If you have any questions about Catalog or Booklet Envelopes, give us a call at 330-597-8560. We’re happy to help you get the most out of your printing project.

Photo by Avi Richards