The Differences Between Flyers, Pamphlets & Brochures

Sample of a colorful tri-fold brochure.

Is a pamphlet the same thing as a brochure? Is a flyer another name for a pamphlet? While these print items share a few common characteristics, there are significant differences in their intent and usage. Let’s talk about what distinguishes a flyer from a pamphlet and a pamphlet from a brochure.

What is a Flyer?

Flyers are the workhorses of low-level promotional printing. Flyers, most frequently printed or copied on 8.5” x 11” sheets of paper for speed and economy, are commonly used to promote upcoming events (concerts, festivals, seminars, etc.), products or services. Flyers are typically printed on one side with simple, direct messaging and design — the intent is to provide and highlight basic information.
Flyers are almost always created to be distributed via handout either directly (i.e., going door-to-door) or via general availability at areas with public access. However, flyers are often distributed by mail (enclosed in envelopes or as self-mailers). Flyers are also a commonly included item in Sunday newspaper supplements.

Flyers, particularly when used to promote upcoming events, are not intended to be long-lasting. Hence, lightweight, inexpensive paper stock is the most common printing substrate. Black ink on a colored paper stock is a popular option, but any combination of inks including full-color is possible.

What is a Pamphlet?

A pamphlet is a small booklet often formed by folding a single sheet of paper in half to create multiple pages. Pamphlets tend to be informational in purpose featuring a predominance of text as opposed to photos or graphics. Because pamphlets, like flyers, are usually provided for free as handouts, they’re typically printed on light or medium weight paper for economy. Pamphlets are often found in public libraries, at point-of-sale locations, lobbies, waiting rooms, etc.

What is a Brochure?

Brochures sit at the top of this promotional marketing pieces triumvirate. Brochures tend to be more elaborate and costly than flyers or pamphlets and are usually offered only to potential customers/clients. Brochures are produced in a wide variety of sizes and formats on a broad range of paper stocks typically of a higher weight or quality. On the higher end, brochures will utilize unique or elaborate folds combined with die cuts, foil stamping, or embossing. High-end brochures typically contain multiple panels and are sometimes made into a booklet form with multiple pages.

While companies/organizations produce a variety of brochures for different purposes, primary marketing brochures are considered the flagship brochure and typically express the primary mission of the company/organization. Hence, such brochures are intended to convey impressions of professionalism, competence, and success/prestige.

If you have any questions about Flyers, Pamphlets, or Brochures, give us a call at 330-597-8560. We’re happy to help you get the most out of your printing project.

Photo by Khanh Tu Nguyen Huy